Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children – Manna Packs
Mesa, Arizona and Schaumburg, Illinois

Every single day in over 70 countries, 745,500 children are provided with hope and love through the nutritious meals prepared and shipped by the volunteers of Feed My Starving Children (FMSC). Started in 1987, FMSC dedicates more than 90 percent of all donated dollars to their vision to “eliminate starvation in children throughout the world by helping to instill compassion in people to hear and respond to the cries of those in need.” Over the course of a year, more than one million volunteers gather around their 7 physical packing facilities as well as mobile packing facilities to prepare 270 Million Manna Packs, a bag holding a mixture of rice, soy protein, seasoning and dried vegetables or a simple, easy to digest potato mixture for infants and children in need to quick recovery from severe malnutrition. Manna Packs are sealed, boxed and shipped to various destinations with a 99% success rate of delivery.

Rimini Street team members gathered at Feed My Starving Children’s Mesa, Arizona and Schaumburg, Illinois facilities to pack thousands of Manna Packs along with other volunteers from the region. In hopes to support FMSC’s great mission, Rimini Street sponsored 10,800 meals that will soon be delivered to those in need. We’d like to believe the children receiving the meals we prepared can feel all the Rimini love we packed into each and every grain!