The Harmony Matsuda Senior Home provides short-term, long-term and day to day care for seniors of lower or restricted income in the Tokyo region. Some of their clients come for daily interaction with fellow seniors and the opportunity to participate in fun and creative activities, while some are there to receive medical care and around the clock assistance from their professional staff members.
In the past, Rimini Street visited Harmony Matsuba Senior Home to donate a full-recline wheelchair through our partnership with Tokyo Goodwill Bank. This time, we hosted a Summer themed Arts & Crafts session for the seniors. We brought with us, small wind chimes and fans which we could decorate together in designs that were summer theme inspired. We drew watermelons, flowers, seasonal insects, goldfish, dragons and more. Who knew we had several highly skilled artists in our team that could bring transform a small blank ornament into an extraordinary masterpiece? While the time we shared with the seniors was for merely a few hours, we know the smiles on their faces and ours will remain with us for a lifetime.