As the longest running Rescue Mission in America, Pacific Garden Mission has seen its share of people in peril in its 140 years of service. From displaced families torn from war, to hungry and homeless men and women scraping to get by, to victims of abuse and addiction, PGM has embraced all who step through their doors with kindness and always free of judgement.
As we entered the 150,000 square foot facilities, our Rimini Street Team Chicago were in reverence of the sheer magnitude of the operation which provides shelter for hundreds of men, women, and children nightly, 2,000 meals for the hungry daily, as well as a wide range of therapy, assistance, and counseling to those who want to make necessary life changes to achieve personal and financial independence. The Volunteer Coordinator who facilitated our visit even shared his story of overcoming addiction through the New Day and New Life program, ditching his past life of chasing dangerous highs to finding peace through faith and found purpose.
The task given to our group was to pre-sort the bedding for their men’s shelter guests and set the table, serve, clean, and offer a smile to the 500 dinner guests who shuffled in from the bitter cold for their hot meal. Along with the regular volunteers and staff members who proudly keep PGM running full speed, we had a magnificent time participating in the uplifting of our Chicago community. Thank you, Pacific Garden Mission friends – your role in creating a hope filled tomorrow is invaluable to the world!