Siena House Maternity Home

Siena House Maternity Home

Siena House Maternity Home is a haven of hope. Expectant mothers who have no one and nowhere to turn to find solace in this residential home during their most vulnerable and challenging time. Shared and care for by a group of women in similar circumstances, Siena House is a temporary home where pregnant mothers receive room and board while raising their newborn child for up to one year after giving birth. Through therapy, guidance, training and encouragement, the mothers work towards gainful employment and most importantly, the strength and resources to raise a healthy child as independent, nurturing mothers.

Rimini Street was humbled to have been invited to dine with the mothers and staff of Siena House and to meet the precious children whose smiles we will soon never forget. Each mother beamed as they showed off their babies and expressed their wishes for themselves and for their child. While the stories of the women may differ with some running from abusive relationships or some just down on their luck, the resilience and hope each women carried in their hearts is a true testament to the beauty and power of motherhood.