Rimini Street Becomes Support Service Provider for Hyundai-Kia Motors’ Global Database Portfolio

Leading global car manufacturer anticipates significant cost reduction and benefit from a specialized support model for mass database instances

LAS VEGAS, July 15, 2019 Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a global provider of enterprise software products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software products and a Salesforce partner, today announced that it has been selected as the software support services provider to global auto manufacturer Hyundai-Kia Motors.

By providing efficient, timely, and cost-effective database maintenance and support, Rimini Street plans to actively support Hyundai-Kia Motors in their endeavor to implement a business-driven IT roadmap.

Cost Optimization and Desire for Quality Support

To support response to paradigm shifts in the automobile industry and active technology innovation, Hyundai-Kia Motors set out a new IT strategy that strives to maximize value across the IT landscape.

Hyundai-Kia Motors has been exploring options to reduce their reliance on the existing software vendor database support and achieve cost optimization by identifying alternative solutions.

After extensive multi-dimensional feasibility analyses and due diligence, Hyundai-Kia Motors selected and contracted with Rimini Street as their database maintenance and support services provider.

“Rimini Street has been demonstrating its competitiveness by offering robust and responsive database support along with cost saving benefits” said Mr. Lee Beom Tae, Head of Hyundai-Kia’s Cloud Infrastructure Team. “On the basis of the partnership that has begun with Rimini Street, we will work to actively push forward innovation and offer greater value to our customers,” he added.

Proven Track Record of Successful Database and Application Support

Today, Rimini Street provides support to clients operating in more than 100 countries, including hundreds of database clients and many thousands of database instances worldwide, and serves clients with database architectures that range from single global instances to large, complex landscapes that include thousands of mission-critical instances.

“We are pleased to welcome Hyundai-Kia Motors to our fast-growing Rimini Street family of global and Korean clients, and we look forward to working together in the years ahead as their trusted partner for mission-critical software support,” said Seth A. Ravin, CEO and chairman of the board, Rimini Street. “Hyundai has achieved its strategic objectives with a switch to Rimini Street support. They are now saving significant costs, getting more robust and responsive service, avoiding costly updates, and able to re-invest the financial, labor and time savings in technology innovation and other initiatives that create competitive advantage to support growth.”

En optant pour un modèle de support spécialisé dans les bases de données massives, le constructeur automobile mondial de premier plan envisage une réduction significative de ses coûts de maintenance.

Paris, le 18 juillet 2019Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq : RMNI), fournisseur mondial de services et de produits logiciels d’entreprise et prestataire de support tiers de premier plan pour les produits logiciels Oracle et SAP, annonce avoir été sélectionné par le constructeur automobile mondial Hyundai-Kia Motors pour la maintenance de ses bases de données. Rimini Street aura pour mission de soutenir activement la société dans ses efforts de mise en œuvre d’une feuille de route informatique orientée métier.

Vers une optimisation des coûts

Afin de répondre aux rapides changements liés à l’innovation technologique et l’évolution des paradigmes, Hyundai-Kia Motors définit une nouvelle stratégie informatique visant à maximiser la valeur sur l’ensemble de son paysage informatique et réduire sa dépendance vis-à-vis de son fournisseur existant.

Pour avancer vers cet objectif de réduction des coûts, Hyundai-Kia Motors a exploré diverses options et a identifié des solutions alternatives. Après de nombreuses recherches, la société s’est naturellement tournée vers Rimini Street pour la maintenance et le soutien de sa base de données.

« Rimini Street a démontré sa compétitivité en offrant un support robuste et réactif. Le recours aux services de support de Rimini Street permet de réaliser des économies substantielles. » déclare M. Lee Beom Tae, chef de l’équipe d’infrastructure cloud chez Hyundai-Kia.

Une expérience éprouvée en matière de support des bases de données

Aujourd’hui, Rimini Street fournit un support à des clients opérant dans plus de 100 pays à travers le monde. La société travaille avec des centaines de clients détenteurs de base de données et sert des clients avec des architectures allant d’instances uniques à de vastes environnements complexes représentant plusieurs milliers d’instances de bases de données.

« Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir Hyundai-Kia Motors parmi nos clients et nous nous réjouissons de travailler ensemble dans les années à venir en tant que partenaire de confiance pour le support logiciel critique » a déclaré Seth A. Ravin, CEO et président du conseil de Rimini Street. « Hyundai a atteint ses objectifs stratégiques en optant pour le soutien de Rimini Street. Ils économisent maintenant des coûts importants, obtiennent un service plus robuste et plus réactif, évitent des mises à jour coûteuses et sont en mesure de réinvestir les économies financières dans l’innovation technologique et d’autres initiatives qui créent un avantage concurrentiel pour soutenir la croissance. ».


拉斯維加斯–(BUSINESS WIRE)– (美國商業資訊)–Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI)是全球企業軟體產品和服務提供者、甲骨文和SAP軟體產品領先的協力廠商支援服務提供者和Salesforce合作夥伴。該公司今日宣布其已被全球汽車製造商現代起亞汽車(Hyundai-Kia Motors)選為軟體支援服務提供者。

透過高效率、及時且具有成本效益的資料庫維護和支援服務,Rimini Street計畫為現代起亞汽車提供積極支援,協助其全力實施以業務為驅動力的IT藍圖。




經過廣泛的多維度可行性分析和盡職調查,現代起亞汽車最終選擇Rimini Street並與其簽約,後者將作為其資料庫維護和支援服務提供者。

現代起亞雲端基礎架構團隊負責人Lee Beom Tae先生表示:「Rimini Street長期提供強大且回應快速的資料庫支援服務及成本節省優勢,盡顯其競爭力。」他補充道:「基於已經開始與Rimini Street建立的合作關係,我們將努力積極推動創新,為客戶創造更大的價值。」


如今,Rimini Street為在100多個國家開營運的客戶提供支援服務,包括數百個全球資料庫用戶端和數千個全球資料庫執行個體,同時還為客戶提供資料庫架構,涵蓋從單一全球執行個體到包含數千個任務關鍵型執行個體的大型複雜環境。

Rimini Street執行長兼董事長Seth A. Ravin表示:「我們熱誠歡迎現代起亞汽車加入我們快速壯大的Rimini Street全球和韓國客戶群,同時期待在未來幾年與其攜手前行,成為值得他們信賴的任務關鍵型軟體支援合作夥伴。透過改由Rimini Street提供支援,現代已實現其策略目標。他們目前已大幅節省成本,獲得更強大、回應更快的服務,避免代價高昂的更新,並能夠將節省的資金、人力和時間重新投入到技術創新及其他創造競爭優勢以支援成長的計畫中。」

세계 선도 자동차 제조기업 다량의 데이터베이스 인스턴스에 대한 전문적인 서비스 지원 모델 통해 유지보수 비용 대폭 절감 기대

2019.7.15- 세계적인 기업용 소프트웨어 제품 및 서비스 제공업체이자 오라클 및 SAP 소프트웨어 제품에 대한 제 3자 지원 서비스를 제공하는 글로벌 선도 기업인 리미니스트리트(Rimini Street, Inc. www.riministreet.com/kr 김형욱 지사장, Nasdaq: RMNI)가 글로벌 자동차 기업 현대·기아자동차의 데이터베이스 소프트웨어 제품 지원사로 선정됐다.

리미니스트리트는 효율적이면서도 신속하고 경제적인 데이터베이스 유지보수 서비스를 통해 현대·기아차가 비즈니스 중심 IT로드맵을 구현하는데 적극 지원한다는 계획이다.

비용 최적화 및 완벽한 지원 솔루션 모색

현대·기아자동차는 자동차 업계의 패러다임 변화 대응과 공격적인 기술 혁신을 지원하기 위해 IT환경 전반에 걸쳐 가치를 극대화하는 새로운 IT전략을 수립했다.

특히 데이터베이스 지원 부문에서 기존 업체에 대한 의존도를 줄이고 대체 가능한 솔루션을 모색해 비용을 최적화 하는 방안을 지속 검토해 왔다.

다방면의 적합성 분석과 실사 후에 현대·기아자동차는 데이터베이스 유지보수 기술지원 제공 기업으로 ‘리미니스트리트(Rimini Street)’를 선택하고 계약을 체결하였다.

현대-기아자동차 클라우드인프라실 이범태실장은 “리미니스트리트는 데이터베이스 유지 관리 분야에서 비용 절감에 더해 강력하고 신속한 서비스를 제공하며 경쟁력을 입증하고 있는 업체”라며 “이번 리미니스트리트와의 파트너십 구축을 계기로 공격적인 업무 혁신을 추진하고 고객에게 더 큰 가치를 제공하기 위해 노력할 것”이라고 말했다.

성공적인 데이터베이스 및 어플리케이션 지원 부문에서의 검증된 실적

리미니스트리트는 현재 수백 개의 데이터베이스 클라이언트와 수천 개의 데이터베이스 인스턴스를 포함하여 100개 이상의 국가에서 운영되는 고객사들을 지원하고 있으며, 단일 글로벌 인스턴스부터 수천 개의 미션 크리티컬한 인스턴스를 포함하는 크고 복잡한 환경에 이르는 데이터베이스 아키텍처를 통해 고객들을 지원하고 있다.

리미니스트리트의 CEO 세스 레이빈(Seth A. Ravin)은 “현대-기아자동차가 전세계 및 한국 고객들과 함께 빠르게 성장하고 있는 리미니스트리트와 함께 하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각하며, 앞으로 신뢰할 수 있는 파트너로서 함께 일할 수 있기를 기대한다”라고 말하며, “현대-기아자동차는 리미니스트리트 지원 서비스로 전환하여 비용 절감 뿐만 아니라 보다 강력하고 신속한 대응 서비스를 누리는 동시에 고비용의 업그레이드 없이, 향후 예산, 인력, 시간을 기술 혁신 및 혁신 프로젝트를 위해 재투자할 수 있게 되었다”라고 밝혔다.

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ラスベガス発、2019年7月15日 – エンタープライズソフトウェア製品を対象としたサポートサービスを世界的に提供する、OracleおよびSAPソフトウェアの第三者保守サポートの業界リーダーで、Salesforceのパートナーであるリミニストリート (Nasdaq:RMNI)は、本日、世界的な自動車メーカーHyundai-Kia Motorsのソフトウェアサポートサービスプロバイダーに選ばれたことを発表しました。

効率的かつ迅速で、費用対効果の高いデータベース保守とサポートを提供することで、リミニストリートは、ビジネス主導のITロードマップを実現するHyundai-Kia Motorsの取り組みを積極的にサポートしていく計画です。


Hyundai-Kia Motorsは、自動車業界のパラダイムシフトと活発な技術革新に対応するために、IT環境の全体的な価値の最大化を目指す新たなIT戦略を策定しました。

広範かつ多面的な実現性分析とデューデリジェンスを実施した結果、Hyundai-Kia Motorsはデータベースの保守およびサポートのサービスプロバイダーとしてリミニストリートを選択し、契約を締結しました。Hyundai-KiaのCloud Infrastructure Team責任者、Lee Beom Tae氏は次のように述べています。「リミニストリートは堅牢かつ迅速なデータベースサポートの提供能力とともに、コスト削減というメリットもあることから、強い競争力を示しました。リミニストリートとの間で始まったパートナーシップに基づいて、当社はイノベーションを積極的に推進し、当社のお客様にこれまで以上の価値を提供できるように取り組んでいきたいと思います」



急速に拡大しているリミニストリートのグローバルおよび韓国のクライアントにHyundai-Kia Motorsをお迎えでき、大変光栄に思います。ミッションクリティカルなソフトウェアのサポートの信頼できるパートナーとして、Hyundai-Kia Motorsと末永く連携していきたいと考えています」と、リミニストリートのCEOおよび取締役会会長、Seth A. Ravinは述べています。「Hyundaiは、リミニストリートのサポートに切り替えることで、戦略的目標を達成することができました。Hyundaiでは現在、大幅なコスト節約、より堅牢で迅速なサービス、コストのかかる更新の回避を実現しただけでなく、これまで費やしてきたコスト、労力、時間、技術革新などを、成長の原動力となる競争優位性を生み出すための戦略に再投資できるようになりました。」

Leading global car manufacturer anticipates significant cost reduction and benefit from a specialized support model for mass database instances

LAS VEGAS, July 15, 2019 Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a global provider of enterprise software products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software products and a Salesforce partner, today announced that it has been selected as the software support services provider to global auto manufacturer Hyundai-Kia Motors.

By providing efficient, timely, and cost-effective database maintenance and support, Rimini Street plans to actively support Hyundai-Kia Motors in their endeavor to implement a business-driven IT roadmap.

Cost Optimization and Desire for Quality Support

To support response to paradigm shifts in the automobile industry and active technology innovation, Hyundai-Kia Motors set out a new IT strategy that strives to maximize value across the IT landscape.

Hyundai-Kia Motors has been exploring options to reduce their reliance on the existing software vendor database support and achieve cost optimization by identifying alternative solutions.

After extensive multi-dimensional feasibility analyses and due diligence, Hyundai-Kia Motors selected and contracted with Rimini Street as their database maintenance and support services provider.

“Rimini Street has been demonstrating its competitiveness by offering robust and responsive database support along with cost saving benefits” said Mr. Lee Beom Tae, Head of Hyundai-Kia’s Cloud Infrastructure Team. “On the basis of the partnership that has begun with Rimini Street, we will work to actively push forward innovation and offer greater value to our customers,” he added.

Proven Track Record of Successful Database and Application Support

Today, Rimini Street provides support to clients operating in more than 100 countries, including hundreds of database clients and many thousands of database instances worldwide, and serves clients with database architectures that range from single global instances to large, complex landscapes that include thousands of mission-critical instances.

“We are pleased to welcome Hyundai-Kia Motors to our fast-growing Rimini Street family of global and Korean clients, and we look forward to working together in the years ahead as their trusted partner for mission-critical software support,” said Seth A. Ravin, CEO and chairman of the board, Rimini Street. “Hyundai has achieved its strategic objectives with a switch to Rimini Street support. They are now saving significant costs, getting more robust and responsive service, avoiding costly updates, and able to re-invest the financial, labor and time savings in technology innovation and other initiatives that create competitive advantage to support growth.”

Leading global car manufacturer anticipates significant cost reduction and benefit from a specialized support model for mass database instances

LAS VEGAS, July 15, 2019 Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a global provider of enterprise software products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software products and a Salesforce partner, today announced that it has been selected as the software support services provider to global auto manufacturer Hyundai-Kia Motors.

By providing efficient, timely, and cost-effective database maintenance and support, Rimini Street plans to actively support Hyundai-Kia Motors in their endeavor to implement a business-driven IT roadmap.

Cost Optimization and Desire for Quality Support

To support response to paradigm shifts in the automobile industry and active technology innovation, Hyundai-Kia Motors set out a new IT strategy that strives to maximize value across the IT landscape.

Hyundai-Kia Motors has been exploring options to reduce their reliance on the existing software vendor database support and achieve cost optimization by identifying alternative solutions.

After extensive multi-dimensional feasibility analyses and due diligence, Hyundai-Kia Motors selected and contracted with Rimini Street as their database maintenance and support services provider.

“Rimini Street has been demonstrating its competitiveness by offering robust and responsive database support along with cost saving benefits” said Mr. Lee Beom Tae, Head of Hyundai-Kia’s Cloud Infrastructure Team. “On the basis of the partnership that has begun with Rimini Street, we will work to actively push forward innovation and offer greater value to our customers,” he added.

Proven Track Record of Successful Database and Application Support

Today, Rimini Street provides support to clients operating in more than 100 countries, including hundreds of database clients and many thousands of database instances worldwide, and serves clients with database architectures that range from single global instances to large, complex landscapes that include thousands of mission-critical instances.

“We are pleased to welcome Hyundai-Kia Motors to our fast-growing Rimini Street family of global and Korean clients, and we look forward to working together in the years ahead as their trusted partner for mission-critical software support,” said Seth A. Ravin, CEO and chairman of the board, Rimini Street. “Hyundai has achieved its strategic objectives with a switch to Rimini Street support. They are now saving significant costs, getting more robust and responsive service, avoiding costly updates, and able to re-invest the financial, labor and time savings in technology innovation and other initiatives that create competitive advantage to support growth.”


About Rimini Street, Inc.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) is a global provider of enterprise software products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software products and a Salesforce partner. The Company offers premium, ultra-responsive and integrated application management and support services that enable enterprise software licensees to save significant costs, free up resources for innovation and achieve better business outcomes. To date, more than 3,500 Fortune 500, Fortune Global 100, midmarket, public sector and other organizations from a broad range of industries have relied on Rimini Street as their trusted application enterprise software products and services provider. To learn more, please visit https://www.riministreet.com, follow @riministreet on Twitter and find Rimini Street on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements included in this communication are not historical facts but are forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements generally are accompanied by words such as “may,” “should,” “would,” “plan,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential,” “seem,” “seek,” “continue,” “future,” “will,” “expect,” “outlook” or other similar words, phrases or expressions. These statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties regarding Rimini Street’s business, and actual results may differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the duration of and economic, operational and financial impacts on Rimini Street’s business of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the actions taken by governmental authorities, clients or others in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; catastrophic events that disrupt Rimini Street’s business or that of its current and prospective clients, changes in the business environment in which Rimini Street operates, including inflation and interest rates, and general financial, economic, regulatory and political conditions affecting the industry in which Rimini Street operates; adverse developments in pending litigation or in the government inquiry or any new litigation; Rimini Street’s need and ability to raise additional equity or debt financing on favorable terms and Rimini Street’s ability to generate cash flows from operations to help fund increased investment in Rimini Street’s growth initiatives; the sufficiency of Rimini Street’s cash and cash equivalents to meet its liquidity requirements; the terms and impact of Rimini Street’s outstanding 13.00% Series A Preferred Stock; changes in taxes, laws and regulations; competitive product and pricing activity; difficulties of managing growth profitably; the customer adoption of Rimini Street’s recently introduced products and services, including its Application Management Services (AMS), Rimini Street Advanced Database Security, and services for Salesforce Sales Cloud and Service Cloud products, in addition to other products and services Rimini Street expects to introduce in the near future; the loss of one or more members of Rimini Street’s management team; uncertainty as to the long-term value of Rimini Street’s equity securities; and those risks discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in Rimini Street’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on August 5, 2020 and as updated from time to time by other filings by Rimini Street with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, forward-looking statements provide Rimini Street’s expectations, plans or forecasts of future events and views as of the date of this communication. Rimini Street anticipates that subsequent events and developments will cause Rimini Street’s assessments to change. However, while Rimini Street may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, Rimini Street specifically disclaims any obligation to do so, except as required by law. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Rimini Street’s assessments as of any date subsequent to the date of this communication.

© 2020 Rimini Street, Inc. All rights reserved. “Rimini Street” is a registered trademark of Rimini Street, Inc. in the United States and other countries, and Rimini Street, the Rimini Street logo, and combinations thereof, and other marks marked by TM are trademarks of Rimini Street, Inc. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners, and unless otherwise specified, Rimini Street claims no affiliation, endorsement, or association with any such trademark holder or other companies referenced herein.

Investor relations contact:

Dean Pohl

Rimini Street, Inc.

+1 925-523-7636 dpohl@riministreet.com
Media relations contact:

Janet Ravin

Rimini Street, Inc.

+1 702-285-3532 pr@riministreet.com