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Talent Strategy: Winning the Oracle Game
Talent Strategy: Winning the Oracle Game

Expert IT talent like you is becoming scarce for organizations running Oracle software. Changes in the workforce make it hard for customers to retain expert talent, as qualified IT experts in Oracle software are either retiring or flocking to something new. At the same time, innovation is creating a need for new skills while the pool of experts remains very small.  This webinar is a “must view” if you have asked yourself any of these questions:   Leaders:  With Oracle experts who understand legacy systems becoming rarer, what is our plan for ensuring we have access to these skills when we need them?  As innovation and digital projects become priorities to the business, what alternatives would we choose if we could bring in the right skills at the right time?  What are the best methods to retain and hire hard-to-find Oracle skillsets?  Practitioners:  In the midst of the tech talent shortage, is my skill set among the rare ones needed to support Oracle applications?  As my company innovates, will it become necessary for me to reskill in order to support Oracle applications that move to the cloud? How will I keep my skills relevant? 

Make Informed Decisions: Assessing Your Future SAP Roadmap
Make Informed Decisions: Assessing Your Future SAP Roadmap
Insights from Gartner Symposium 2022
Insights from Gartner Symposium 2022

The trifecta of ever-constricting budgets, the influence of inflation, and an incredibly difficult labour market are now top of mind – just as we all thought we’d breathe a sigh of relief with the pandemic largely behind us. At the Gartner Symposium 2022, we hosted a fireside chat with technology leaders where they shared their insights and strategies that helped them free up critical resources and reallocate costs to expand strategic services, without compromising customer service or security. Watch the video to get better insights on their experiences and how they were able to overcome these challenges! Speakers: Eric Helmer, Rimini Street, Chief Technology Officer Brian Kelly, Head of Technology, University of Technology Sydney Helen Harms, GM of Cloud and Operations, Metcash Grey Properjohn, Head of Technology, RWWA Vince O’Carroll, IT Operations Manager, Central Coast Council

3 Smart Paths to Innovation for Your Oracle Roadmap
3 Smart Paths to Innovation for Your Oracle Roadmap
Composable ERP for Oracle: Your Roadmap, Your Advantage
Composable ERP for Oracle: Your Roadmap, Your Advantage
How to Choose an Open-Source Database
How to Choose an Open-Source Database
Cure Your ERP Headaches Through ERP Consolidation and Third-Party Support
Cure Your ERP Headaches Through ERP Consolidation and Third-Party Support

Combining multiple ERP systems into a single platform can help organizations reduce complexity, lower costs, and extract more value from their current setup. A recent survey by Computing Research of 143 IT leaders shows that over 40% of enterprises are using multiple ERP solutions, so there’s a huge pool of organizations that can benefit from ERP consolidation. In this recorded webinar, Rimini Street VP of market research, Pat Phelan, discusses this trend and more with Computing Technology analyst, Helen Daniel, and site editor, Tom Allen. Watch now to take a deep dive into the survey results and learn how to tackle these key challenges before embarking on an ERP consolidation project: Cost and complexity of consolidating multiple ERP systems Data compatibility across multiple systems Potential IT skills gap of personnel who will be tasked with consolidating these systems

How to Choose an Open-Source Database 
How to Choose an Open-Source Database 

It might be time for a new database.  Growing data volumes, real-time analytics, and digital initiatives are driving the need for more modern data architectures and platforms.  As a result, many businesses are moving away from proprietary database software running on centralized servers in their own data centers and shifting to a newer generation of cloud databases that scale automatically and are much easier to deploy and manage.  These new databases are often based on open-source software, and in fact, as of January 2021, open-source databases surpassed commercial databases in popularity.1    So how should you choose your new open-source database? It pays to ask some critical questions such as:  what are my data characteristics?  how easy — or hard — will data migration be?  what capabilities do I need?  which database would fit well with my existing IT infrastructure?  For more insights, including benefits and potential risks of open-source databases, download the eBook.   1 DB-Engines  

Business Application Modernization: Replace or Renovate?
Business Application Modernization: Replace or Renovate?