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Moving to Third-Party Support Need Not Mean Your ERP Is “Frozen”
Moving to Third-Party Support Need Not Mean Your ERP Is “Frozen”
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
2 min read

Rimini Street clients continue to grow and evolve their ERP portfolios, including modernization of their technology stacks and investment in innovations such as cloud-based applications and tools. We can help make similar evolutionary steps possible in your enterprise. Canceling vendor maintenance does not freeze your ERP solution. In fact, the opposite happens. Enterprises become more […]

How to Join the Digital Vanguard
How to Join the Digital Vanguard
David Rowe
David Rowe
Chief Product Officer & EVP, Global Transformation
3 min read

Is your organization a digital laggard or a member of the digital vanguard? I’ve been reading Deloitte’s 2018 CIO Survey, which makes a point of distinguishing between “vanguard” organizations where IT actively contributes to creating new businesses and business opportunities and everyone else. The traditional role of the CIO has been to be an operational […]

Biggest Obstacle to Innovation, IT Leaders Say: “Keeping the Lights On”
Biggest Obstacle to Innovation, IT Leaders Say: “Keeping the Lights On”
David Rowe
David Rowe
Chief Product Officer & EVP, Global Transformation
3 min read

Businesses want to innovate faster because they know successful innovators tend to be the most successful businesses. Yet if you survey IT and finance leaders, as we did recently in conjunction with Vanson Bourne, a technology market research firm, you will find many are dissatisfied with the pace of innovation happening in their organizations. The […]

Maximize Your Opportunity within the Cloud
Maximize Your Opportunity within the Cloud
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

One of the most appealing aspects of cloud computing is the promise — in theory at least — that if you’re not happy with a vendor, you can migrate to another with much less pain than with traditional enterprise solution providers. Today, CIOs have an almost bewildering choice of cloud applications and cloud platforms. This […]

Digital Transformation: Funding the Ongoing Journey
Digital Transformation: Funding the Ongoing Journey
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

If a technology solutions salesperson walks out of your office without playing the “digital transformation” card, he or she is not likely long for that job. Vendors, whether through strategic vision or competitive necessity, have latched onto the aspirations and concerns of business customers who fear digital disruption. “Digital transformation rocketed to the top of […]

Cut IT Support Costs to Drive Digital Business Initiatives
Cut IT Support Costs to Drive Digital Business Initiatives
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

Does your IT organization eagerly embrace digital transformation, or quiver in fear at the prospect of it? If the former, you’re following the model of world-class IT organizations that run more efficiently and devote a larger portion of their process costs to new business-focused initiatives. That’s the takeaway from a study by Hackett Group, as […]

What’s the State of the CIO?
What’s the State of the CIO?
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

The life of a CIO? It’s complicated. That’s the conclusion of CIO Editor in Chief Dan Muse, introducing the publication’s 2017 State of the CIO report. “Moving apps and workloads to the cloud, ensuring legacy software can talk to off-premises apps, and keeping networks and systems secure remain core functional tasks of the CIO role,” […]

Smart Strategies That Will Boost IT Cost Optimization
Smart Strategies That Will Boost IT Cost Optimization
David Rowe
David Rowe
Chief Product Officer & EVP, Global Transformation
3 min read

Digital transformation is picking up speed. It’s driving businesses to rethink their traditional imperatives and bringing a new focus on customer engagement and disruptive business models. As companies emphasize new priorities, they need to optimize inefficient processes and reduce burdensome costs that are a drag on their business. For IT, that requires some tough choices. […]

The Evolving Role of the CIO in the Digital Age
The Evolving Role of the CIO in the Digital Age
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

For the longest time, the role of the chief information officer was set in stone. The job was all about keeping the technology “lights” on and, if possible, reducing costs. Today that job description is outdated. In the era of big data, apps and cloud computing, the role of today’s CIO is to enable the […]