Marcos Adam, CIO of Rodobens, a Brazilian business group operating in the automotive, financial and real estate sectors, being among the 100 largest business groups in the country, and Alexandre Baulé, CIO of EMBRAER, today one of the largest aerospace companies in the world, RESPOND how the placement is working out.
Additional Resources
Many organisations are facing the same challenge: finding funds and capacity to accelerate innovation and digital transformation. The landscape is constantly evolving, and IT departments face increased operating costs and limited capital, the loss of skills through the ‘great resignation’ and limited access to modern innovations. How are successful organisations managing the complexity and demands of their current enterprise software environments without compromising on their ambitions for the future? Join Rimini Street experts, Ronen Fox, Service Solution Architect, SAP, Anthony Griffin, Manager, Business Solutions Finance – EMEA and Gordon Smith, Director, SAP Applications Support for a practical guide to support and services for business-critical applications. They’ll provide real-world examples of the multitude of options available to you and show how you can take control of the journey your organisation is on. Get further insight into: SAP Roadmap: Your options for innovation: Focus on your business needs, maximise your current investment and accelerate your innovations. Move at your own pace and according to your priorities Smart Path Forward: Learn how to Optimise, Evolve and Transform your SAP applications to stay ahead of the curve and define the business of tomorrow Customisation: learn about the possibilities in application support for mission-critical code customisations that you’d never receive from software vendors Resourcing: the alternative to your vendor’s preventative maintenance services and how this can empower you to re-allocate IT resources to where you need them most Tax and Legal Compliance: How can you stay informed and help ensure compliance with every tax, legal and regulatory change in all your operational jurisdictions?