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Roundup: Gartner IT Cost Management Reports
Cost of Maintenance, Gartner, Maximize ROI 4 min read
Roundup: Gartner IT Cost Management Reports
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
4 min read

Controlling costs is a constant strain on IT teams. The business wants enterprise-grade IT, but it also wants to execute big goals with a lean budget. Add to that the global disruption that has touched both lives and livelihoods around the world. The cost of adapting can bring with it even more budget turmoil. Making […]

Gartner Predicts 2020
Cloud, Cost of Maintenance, ERP 3 min read
Gartner Predicts 2020
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
3 min read

A new year (and a new decade) are ideal times to prognosticate about the future. While it’s one thing for a business to predict great things for its future, it’s quite another for a respected, trusted analyst in the industry to predict great things for your industry … and your business. That’s precisely the case […]

Rimini Street Survey Confirms Oracle Customers Want More Savings, Best-In-Class Cloud Options
Cloud, Cost of Maintenance, Oracle 4 min read
Rimini Street Survey Confirms Oracle Customers Want More Savings, Best-In-Class Cloud Options
Rimini Street Staff
4 min read

When Rimini Street surveyed Oracle customers recently and asked their top priorities, they put cost optimization at the top of the list. Yet a recent Gartner survey of CIOs 1 identified enabling growth as their top priority. What accounts for the difference? I encourage you to read the full survey report, Why Enterprises Are Rethinking […]

Creating Capacity for IT Innovation and Business Success
CIO Strategies, Cost of Maintenance, ERP 3 min read
Creating Capacity for IT Innovation and Business Success
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
3 min read

Do you know people who are so much more productive than the rest of us that you would swear they have found more hours in the day? Companies are the same: some do much more with what they have, regardless of limitations of time, technology and budget. What are the limits on your capacity for […]

Video: How Does Functionality Mapping Analysis Answer the Question “Should We Upgrade Our ERP?”
Cost of Maintenance, ERP, Functionality mapping 2 min read
Video: How Does Functionality Mapping Analysis Answer the Question “Should We Upgrade Our ERP?”
Frank Reneke
2 min read

Rimini Street’s Functionality Mapping tool was developed to enable clients to make data-driven decisions when it comes to value in an ERP upgrade. In a visual and quantitative way, we have evaluated changes that the major ERP Suites (SAP and Oracle) have undergone over the past 10 years. Our Functionality Mapping approach breaks down each […]

How Welch’s Squeezed More Value From IT With Rimini Street
Business Driven Roadmap, CIO Strategies, Client story 3 min read
How Welch’s Squeezed More Value From IT With Rimini Street
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

Because my ultimate bosses are family farmers, I do not get a lot of credit for spending money on technology for technology’s sake. Farming is a tough business, and they are right to have high expectations of the technology investments we make. Welch’s is such a well-known brand many people probably assume we’re a subsidiary […]

With ERP Support from Rimini Street, Multnomah County Gains Flexibility While Making Best Use of Taxpayer Dollars
Client story, Cost of Maintenance, Custom Code 3 min read
With ERP Support from Rimini Street, Multnomah County Gains Flexibility While Making Best Use of Taxpayer Dollars
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

At just 465 miles square, Multnomah County in Oregon is home to 800,000 residents. With the county seat in Portland, the organization employs 8,000 people and has an annual operating budget of $2 billion USD, funded by taxpayers. Multnomah County is responsible for its operating units and for securely maintaining its systems to fulfill certain […]

ESCO Rides the Wave of Economic Change with Help from Rimini Street
Client story, Cost of Maintenance, ERP 3 min read
ESCO Rides the Wave of Economic Change with Help from Rimini Street
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

In today’s dynamic global economy, organizations in nearly all sectors are subject to shifts in the marketplace, experiencing periods of high growth as well as slumps. If your organization is like most, when a downturn occurs, you may start to think about trimming operational expenditures. Often, one of the largest budget line items, aside from […]

Five Steps for Bringing About Change in IT
CIO Strategies, Cloud, Cost of Maintenance 3 min read
Five Steps for Bringing About Change in IT
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

IT leaders are upbeat for the most as they continue to move ahead with digital transformation efforts. It’s not that the budget spigots are opening wide – for most, spending and hiring rates are flat. “One of the biggest reasons for the hopeful outlook is the fact that business and IT are finally on the […]