Video: How to Migrate Older ERPs to Newer Versions of Microsoft SQL Server Database

Companies are always in a state of change, particularly with their technology infrastructure. However, not all pieces of the technology stack move at the same pace. There may be legitimate reasons to upgrade infrastructure for better security or access to new features. At the same time, you may want to hold onto current applications, such as your ERP, for business continuity and to avoid unnecessary expense.

When companies consider moving to new infrastructure, they not only have to consider the applications but also the databases.

Just as applications can have problems when migrating to new operating systems, there can be challenges to overcome when migrating databases. Issues can range from not being able to install the software in the first place, to a variety of known compatibility issues even if the installation succeeds.

One of the most commonly used databases for Windows platforms is Microsoft’s SQL Server Database. Due to its popularity, Microsoft now markets at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server across releases for different audiences and workloads.

No wonder so many customers seek ways to run legacy applications successfully on newer versions of Windows Server and SQL Server. Unfortunately, many of these solutions are complex and expensive.

With our wealth of experience in both Windows Server and ERP suites, Rimini Street can help you find simple, low-cost solutions. Every client environment is unique in some way, but each solution starts by looking at the compatibility matrix of applications and databases within the environment and the proposed architecture.

Problem Solved: Migrating SQL Server 2005

When it comes to SQL Server, consider this scenario: A customer is running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 on Windows Server 2003. But because Windows Server 2003 reached the end of its extended support cycle in July 2015, many customers are moving to Windows Server 2016. The problem is that Microsoft SQL Server 2005 extended support ended in April 2016, as it relates to this latest version of Windows Server.

The Rimini Street Advanced Technology Services team researched the problem and by using the compatibility matrix they determined there was a way to migrate the database. How? Thanks to the Compatibility Mode of SQL Server itself. Specifically, SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Core, which is still within its extended support cycle and works with the latest Windows Server , has a compatibility mode setting to support the older SQL Server 2005 database, allowing the ERP system to function as expected.

The bottom line: there’s no need to upgrade, no need to do use a third-party product. Other advantages include allowing you to remain on your existing version of the ERP software, and not requiring additional regression testing. (Depending on the ERP system, the SQL Server database installation and setup may be part of the general setup process. Typically there is an option to use a preexisting SQL Server instance.)

For customers with more complicated migrations, Rimini can use variety of technical workarounds, including using shims from the Microsoft Compatibility Toolkit or various containerization solutions. But we always take the simplest approach first to save time and money.

A step-by-step guide for running SQL Server 2005 under Windows Server 2012, as well as a plethora of other technical documentation for customers, is available on Street Central, Rimini’s client portal.