Rimini Street benefits

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive Coverage

Integrated support and services for your enterprise software landscape
Engineer-led Expertise

Engineer-led Expertise

Primary Support Engineers who average 20+ years of experience
Guaranteed Service

Guaranteed Service

Industry-leading SLAs to optimize your outcomes

Featured Clients

Featured Clients
Featured Clients

Rimini Street is the only partner that can support the Japanese market with the high-quality support and protection we need, at a price that aligns with our financial goals.”

– Keisuke Hamanaka Deputy General Manager, Process, IT and Data Management
Featured Clients
Featured Clients

Without Rimini Street, a ton of our projects would still be stuck at the proposal stage. Instead, they’ve allowed us to start executing AI projects and other major tech initiatives that will be fundamental to competing and providing an excellent customer experience going forward.”

– Kevin Khoo CIO
Featured Clients
Featured Clients

Rimini Street delivers what they promise so that we can deliver quality and trust to our clients and end-users.”

– Daniel Lui CIO

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