Digital Transformation Episode 3: The C-Suite Flips the Pyramid
Video interview with Ray Wang on digital transformation during the global pandemic, as the C-suite flips the pyramid of the business hierarchy of needs.
Digital Transformation Episode 5: Cloud-First Strategy vs. Hybrid IT
Video interview with Ray Wang on digital transformation and the benefits of implementing hybrid IT and a business-first approach as your cloud-first strategy.
Digital Transformation Episode 6: Weighing the Cloud, ERP, and Best-of-Breed Solutions
Video interview with Ray Wang of Constellation Research on digital transformation and implementing a smart mix of cloud, ERP, and best-of-breed solutions.
Digital Transformation Episode 10: Moving Forward IT Technology Investment Strategies
Video interview with Ray Wang on digital transformation and implementing an IT investment strategy that maps business strategy and TCO to business priorities.
Rimini Street: What We Do
We don't make ERP or database software like Oracle and SAP. We support and manage that software. Over the past 15 years, we have helped over 3,000 clients save billions of dollars. It's because we are built for support. Built to help clients avoid costly fees and ERP upgrades, so they can innovate and fuel growth. Other companies do software. We do support.
Rimini Street: We Do Support
ERP and database vendors don't want you to know who we are, or that we've saved our clients nearly $5B to date on support fees. Rimini Street is a global partner organizations can trust to help cut costs to drive innovation and growth. Other companies do software. We do support.