VMware Licensing Changes Explained: How They Will Impact your IT Strategy
Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware has left perpetual license holders uncertain about what lies ahead. With VMware’s push to its subscription-based model, bundling of products and significant changes to its partner programs, IT and finance executives are being pressed to adapt quickly – whether by reallocating budgets or reevaluating their overall IT strategy Read on […]
Erklärung der Änderungen bei der VMware-Lizenzierung: Wie wirken sich diese Änderungen auf Ihre IT-Strategie aus?
Die Übernahme von VMware durch Broadcom hat bei den Inhabern unbefristeter Lizenzen Zweifel aufkommen lassen, was in Zukunft auf sie zukommt. Mit dem Vorstoß von VMware zu seinem abonnementbasierten Modell, der Bündelung von Produkten und den bedeutenden Änderungen an seinen Partnerprogrammen sehen sich IT- und Finanzverantwortliche gezwungen, sich schnell anzupassen – sei es durch die Umverteilung […]
VMWare 라이센싱 변경이 기업 IT 전략에 미치는 영향
대부분의 조직은 하드웨어 리소스를 최적화하고 비용을 절감하기 위해 VMware를 도입했다. 그러나 영구 라이센스에서 구독으로 전환하면서 예상되는 이점이 비용 증가를 정당화하지 못할 수 있다는 우려가 제기되고 있다. 구독 모델은 업데이트된 기능과 즉각적인 이점을 제공하지만 장기적으로 상당한 재정적 영향을 초래할 수 있다. 영구 라이센스 보유자는 현재 설정을 유지하면서 새로운 구독 기반 모델과 관련된 비용 상승을 포함하여 VMware가 […]
Explicando as alterações no licenciamento da VMware: como elas afetarão sua estratégia de TI
A aquisição da VMware pela Broadcom deixou os detentores de licenças perpétuas incertos sobre o que está por vir. Com o impulso da VMware para seu modelo baseado em assinatura, agrupamento de produtos e mudanças significativas em seus programas de parceiros, os executivos de TI e financeiros estão sendo pressionados a se adaptarem rapidamente, […]
Explication des modifications apportées aux licences VMware : L’impact sur votre stratégie informatique
L’acquisition de VMware par Broadcom a laissé les détenteurs de licences perpétuelles dans l’incertitude quant à l’avenir. Avec l’évolution de VMware vers un modèle basé sur l’abonnement, le regroupement de produits et les changements importants apportés à ses programmes de partenariat, les responsables informatiques et financiers sont contraints de s’adapter rapidement, que ce soit en […]
How Smart Utilities Leaders Are Rethinking ERP Vendor Mandates
From maximising the lifespan of existing infrastructure, to delivering on sustainability goals and improving services for customers, utility companies face several well-publicised concerns. And the stakes are high, as the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) estimates the UK needs an extra £25-35 billion per year of accelerated investment to enable the National Grid to deliver 50% […]
Global Survey: How CFOs and CIOs partner for innovation, revenue, and results
In today’s dynamic business landscape, the relationship between CFOs and CIOs is critically important. Synergy between the roles is shaping the future of enterprise technology investments while driving innovation with a focus on revenue and results. While each role maintains distinct responsibilities, their paths frequently converge, and that nexus highlights their combined contribution to business […]
Pesquisa Global: Como CFOs e CIOs fazem parceria para inovação, receita e resultados
No cenário empresarial dinâmico de hoje, o relacionamento entre CFOs e CIOs é extremamente importante. A sinergia entre as funções está moldando o futuro dos investimentos em tecnologia empresarial, ao mesmo tempo que impulsiona a inovação com foco nas receitas e nos resultados. Embora cada função mantenha responsabilidades distintas, os seus caminhos convergem frequentemente, e […]
5 Best Practices for AI-Powered CRM Readiness
With the advent of Generative AI, CRM applications are better positioned to fulfill their promise of providing a 360-degree view of the customer. It can also facilitate automatic processes in sales, marketing, and services, while analyzing vast amounts of data to deliver predictive analytics on business outcomes and improved customer experience. Organizations are increasing their […]