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How IT Leaders are Coping with Recession Concerns
4 min read
How IT Leaders are Coping with Recession Concerns
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
4 min read

With a war raging across the ocean, a looming European energy crisis this winter, and inflation numbers refusing to subside, the macroeconomic environment has caused enterprise IT leaders to rethink their strategies. Earlier this summer, we wrote on the impact that an economic recession and ongoing technology talent shortage can have on organizations, and according […]

Prioritizing and Cutting Costs to Meet Transformation Challenges
3 min read
Prioritizing and Cutting Costs to Meet Transformation Challenges
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
3 min read

Rimini Street CEO provides global perspective to Brazilian executives Businesses worldwide are pressing their IT departments to accelerate digital transformation, but few are providing sufficient funds to support those efforts. That was the message that Rimini Street CEO and Chairman, Seth Ravin, delivered to executives in Brazil recently as he explained how they can fund […]

When Tech Talent Shortage Meets Economic Downturn
3 min read
When Tech Talent Shortage Meets Economic Downturn
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
3 min read

“Businesses are moving full-speed toward a collision,” warns Pat Phelan, Rimini Street VP, Market Research. “Companies are going to need people during a time of historically low unemployment but at the same time are going to suffer budget cuts due to economic recession.” How CIOs and application leaders manage those two waves will have significant […]

IT Hero: SAP HR Support Guru
3 min read
IT Hero: SAP HR Support Guru
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
3 min read

David Melling, principal support engineer for SAP HR/UK payroll on the Rimini Street team, has specialized experience that clients depend on as they navigate the frequently changing UK regulatory environment. It’s expertise like his that contributes to Rimini Street’s 4.9/5.0 average customer satisfaction score and creates a loyal client base. Melling has been implementing SAP […]

Hostage No Longer: Break Free of Rising IT Vendor Prices
4 min read
Hostage No Longer: Break Free of Rising IT Vendor Prices
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
4 min read

IT vendor price increases are coming Many experts are predicting software price increases, including higher support service costs. Reports show that some increases are already here. According to The Register, “Oracle support prices are set to rise by 8% in the U.S., and the company will also impose increases commensurate with inflation in other regions.” […]

The Future of ERP: IT Talent Management Could Be Your Achilles’ Heel
3 min read
The Future of ERP: IT Talent Management Could Be Your Achilles’ Heel
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
3 min read

Composable ERP requires a broader set of support skills than integrated suites. It also requires experts with knowledge that spans the business and IT. Yet, CIOs face a tough truth with IT talent management. Some ERP skills are going the way of COBOL programming: fundamentally critical to operations, but increasingly scarce and losing appeal as […]

Solve ERP Headaches with Consolidation and Third-Party Support
3 min read
Solve ERP Headaches with Consolidation and Third-Party Support
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
3 min read

Organizations are more likely to migrate their ERP solutions to the cloud than they are to take advantage of the cost savings and reduced complexity they can realize by consolidating multiple systems. That’s one of the key findings in a new survey conducted for Rimini Street by UK business technology publisher Computing.   ERP environments often […]

Is Your Cloud Strategy Accelerating or Hindering Innovation?
Cloud, ERP, Innovation 7 min read
Is Your Cloud Strategy Accelerating or Hindering Innovation?
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
7 min read

The following originally appeared on CIOs consider the cloud for a variety of reasons, many of which are forcing them to rethink their application strategies. You are not alone if you are feeling pressure to migrate applications and infrastructure to the cloud. But which cloud moves are the right ones? One of the most […]

The Future of ERP: Composable ERP Support Is a Horse of a Different Color
4 min read
The Future of ERP: Composable ERP Support Is a Horse of a Different Color
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
4 min read

When ERP is composed of a variety of products and services, who do you call when something doesn’t work? How do you coordinate changes across the portfolio of solutions? And how do you ensure that change in one component is compatible with other components? These are just a few questions that must be thoughtfully answered […]