Achieve immediate savings:
Replace expensive Oracle annual maintenance contracts with a more robust, responsive, and 100% remotely delivered Rimini Street support service with up to 90% operating cost savings
Avoid costly upgrades:
Extend the life of and maximize the return on current Oracle software releases for a guaranteed minimum of 15 additional years with no required upgrades or migrations
Premium support experience:
Receive industry-leading response times and better outcomes; we have client satisfaction ratings that consistently average over 4.9 out of 5.0, where 5.0 is “excellent”
Solve labor shortage challenges:
Utilize expert resources managed by Rimini Street so you can eliminate the need to hire technical and functional specialists to run your enterprise software systems
Fund your strategic initiatives:
Over $6 billion in total IT spend has been used to reduce expenses and invest in strategic initiatives - such as accelerating digital and modern cloud transformations
Gartner Recommends Third Party Support as a Quick Win
“When third-party support is a feasible alternative, the significant software maintenance and support cost reduction opportunity can be a quick win. It can help keep budgets flat by eliminating the ongoing year-over-year software vendor maintenance and support increases when organizations are challenged to meet cost-saving goals and initiatives.”
Take the Smart Path with Rimini Street
Request a meeting and find out what you are missing